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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

>But before this whole key thread starts all over again, here's how I'm
>intending to do it:
>- there will be a whole set of new, dedicated keys, like "Pause", "Stop",
>  "Channel+", "Channel-" and so on and so on...
>- all dedicated keys will work regardless whether there is currently a
>  open or not (so "Channel+/-" will switch the channel even if you are in
>  the "Timers" menu, for instance, or if a player is running; and "Pause"
>  pause the currently running player even if you are browsing some file
>- when learning the remote control keys, the user can define all the keys
>  the actual RC has, and simply skip the ones it doesn't.
>Again, of course, the basic operations as they are implemented for RCs
>only the basic keys will remain untouched. But then again, somebody who
>_has_ a "Pause" button should have no problem with the "Down" key
>pause, too. And if a particular player believes it has to use the "Down"
>for a purpose other than "Pause", then it will have to implement it that
>However, that will mean that this player *requires* a dedicated "Pause"
>to work - whether or not that's a good idea is up to the programmer of
>player. VDR's own player will keep working with the smallest set of keys.
Nice to hear. :-) And if they get a different keyname like d_mp3_play
(direct or dedicated_mp3_play) i'm happy with this solution. This will also
help for telnet controlled apps. I hope.

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