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[vdr] Re: vdr, dxr3, nova-t, no video out, etc.

> > decoder? I don't know if I'm getting something wrong here, but I only
> > watch with Tuxview on my monitor, so strictly speaking I wouldn't need a
> > full featured card, would I? 
> You need a full featured card for tuxview. Tuxview reads from the v4l
> interface and only displays what has already been decoded in hardware.
> You need a software mpeg decoder like mplayer or xine, plus you cannot
> comfortably tune unless you build a gui front end for the command line tools
> for channel switching.

I begin to understand.
This all sounds reasonable to me!

I'm curious now:
Would it, hypothetically thinking, be possible to software decode the stream and then watch then with a v4l application, say something like (not an actualy command) "cat /dev/dvbstream>mplayer -|vdr" ?


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