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[vdr] Re: DVB drivers in 2.6 kernel, VDR 1.3.8 and TT DVB-C 2.1?

Jouni Karvo wrote:

> Suggestions? Should I try VDR 1.2.x?

Makes no difference. You need to compile the kernel first. If you
get the exact same kernel version sources that you use currently, you
do not need to install the kernel you compiled yourself.

OK, I've now recompiled the kernel from sources, and I'm running
that kernel now.

The runvdr script on the VDR's root directory is incorrect for the
new DVB driver.  The 'DVBDIR' has changed and "make insmod"
no longer works, instead one is supposed to use " load".

Most unfortunately the new DVB drivers I just compiled won't load,
it says:
[root@cs78174054 build-2.6]# ./ load
Inserting DVB modules into kernel
FATAL: Module input not found.
insmod: error inserting './dvb-ttpci.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
insmod: error inserting './ttusb_dec.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
Drivers are: linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1.

That 'input' would be a problem when trying to get the LIRC working,
but now I'm more worried about the actual dvt-ttpci not loading :(.


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