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[vdr] Re: Coredump - vdr 1.3.9 at eit.c:205

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Just curious: when you wre debugging this, did you see the actual value that
was returned by getMaximumTextLength()? And did you also see the actual string
returned by getText()?
I saw them, but i cant remember them, sorry.

My guess would be that the buffer was just one byte too small, because
getMaximumTextLength() returns the length of the string, without the terminating
'\0'. So maybe just increasing the buffer size by 1 would have done the trick.
Unfortunately the problem doesn't happen any more today, so it's hard to find
out what was really going on.
Nope, one byte would not be enough to overwrite the ShortEventSomethingPointer (sorry, dont remember the name but I hope you know what i mean)

It was WAY off, some hundered bytes!

Also i noticed that just making the buffer twice as large didnt help, I had to add another 10k (yes, I am paranoid) and then the crashes where gone.

kind regards Philip

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