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[vdr] Re: VDR and Amd64

Hi Bernd

Hmm - is there any other way to use the gentoo ebuilds masked for
~x86? Or must I compile the tarballs? Or should I create my own

there are no amd64 ebuilds out there, AFAIK. So compiling
the tarballs is the way to go beside making your own ebuilds.

Can I append "-fpic" in /etc/make.conf and add pic to USE or is
this bad? Adding pic to USE alone has no effect for vdr plugins.
For emerging glibc USE="pic" results in appending -fpic to the
gcc calls. Must I use -fPIC or -fpic? The gcc manual is no real
help ...

I wouldn't recommend to enhance the CXXFLG in make.conf
because this would affect _ALL_ compiling activities of portage
in the future. In fact, if you compile it from scratch as suggested
above it wouldn't make sence either.

Go into the source directory of each plugin you want to compile
(../vdr/PLUGINS/src/plugin-xyz) and edit the Makefile as mentioned
in my reply earlier this day with -fPIC.


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