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[vdr] Re: Video Disk Recorder version 0.95 Schmidinger)  17.09.01 19:51

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>>>- Switched to the driver's new tuning API.
>> Could it be that the switching is now faster?

>Certainly not because of the new API, because that's just a change of

No, of cause ;-) 
Thought that the driver is advanced too.(see Channel not synched)
I made a little patch, that chanels changed in the moment
the key is pressed. This allows real show entering of channel number.
The 5s timeout is only for displaying the EPG. Sometimes 
the 1s delay is too fast and on the other hand it is annoying, 
if all digits are entered.
The (retriggered)5sec do not matter in this mode, because 
the wanted channel is shown already.
But i think that should be user configurable, if someone else
would like that mode too.
(Especially people with a motor dish wouldn't wish/need 
such fast resonses).

>> Maybe could be possible to add a text which key cancels
>> the poweroff sequence? (Resp. which key continues which poweroff)

>There is only one place where the user is prompted to cancel the
>shutdown, and there it says

>   "Press any key to cancel shutdown"
>          ***

>Would you like VDR to list ALL keys here?? ;-)

Hm, that's an idea and would help a lot to ease use :-)

(That's not so "jokey" as it sounds on the first view. I find it 
very convienent that my analog receiver shows the 
"possible keys list", depending in menu and context/field
In some menu this degenerate to "all keys". But it makes clear,
which keys are valid and makes the display language independed.
(+/-, ^v, <>, 0-9 are international. Mute,Power(used in menues
as "escape")Stereo etc. are show as pictograms (same as
on the RC))

>Or do you mean something else, which I just haven't understood?

The new yellow string if i press "power" and a record is running.

"Recording, shut down anyway?"


It's not that hard if one accidently presses "OK", 
because there will be the "Press any key to cancel shutdown"
as second stop.

just VDR turns off....
Why that?
I had played around with the power key while recording.
pressed "OK" but cancled the power down.
Now the record ends, and the vdr immediately shutdown.

Hm, nice feature("power off as soon as possible"?), 
but a little bit surprising :-)

>> Hm, i saw the yellow message, but now (no timers, nothing)
>> "power" has no visible effect.
>> 6:19 msi vdr[441]: Power button pressed
>> 6:23 msi last message repeated 3 times      ( because noting on
>> screen) 6:25 msi vdr[441]: switching to channel 13  (to validate IRC
>> is working)

>I'll need to verify this, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Ok, it's not that urgent I did find a work arround in starting a 

But that leds to another (minor old) bug.
If i start a (timer less) manual record, and vdr dies
(because of killall or pwr down) the (timer less) record 
is continued when vdr gets alive again. That's of cause OK.
But in the main menue no "stop recording" is shown anymore,
so i was not aware that the vdr is still recording...
(Sorry, i did not look im "timers". Are those "timer less"
recording listed there?)
To get rid of the running recording i had to edit timer.conf.

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