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[vdr] Re: Video Disk Recorder version 0.95
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Schmidinger) 17.09.01 19:51
> Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...
> >Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> >>
> >>>- Switched to the driver's new tuning API.
> >>
> >> Could it be that the switching is now faster?
> >Certainly not because of the new API, because that's just a change of
> >names.
> No, of cause ;-)
> Thought that the driver is advanced too.(see Channel not synched)
> I made a little patch, that chanels changed in the moment
> the key is pressed. This allows real show entering of channel number.
> The 5s timeout is only for displaying the EPG. Sometimes
> the 1s delay is too fast and on the other hand it is annoying,
> if all digits are entered.
> The (retriggered)5sec do not matter in this mode, because
> the wanted channel is shown already.
> But i think that should be user configurable, if someone else
> would like that mode too.
> (Especially people with a motor dish wouldn't wish/need
> such fast resonses).
> >> Maybe could be possible to add a text which key cancels
> >> the poweroff sequence? (Resp. which key continues which poweroff)
> >There is only one place where the user is prompted to cancel the
> >shutdown, and there it says
> > "Press any key to cancel shutdown"
> > ***
> >Would you like VDR to list ALL keys here?? ;-)
> Hm, that's an idea and would help a lot to ease use :-)
If it says **ANY** key, what sense does it make to list keys????
Ok, maybe not all of the keys on your remote control are used for VDR,
but after a few times using VDR you should know the VDR keys...
> (That's not so "jokey" as it sounds on the first view. I find it
> very convienent that my analog receiver shows the
> "possible keys list", depending in menu and context/field
> In some menu this degenerate to "all keys". But it makes clear,
> which keys are valid and makes the display language independed.
> (+/-, ^v, <>, 0-9 are international. Mute,Power(used in menues
> as "escape")Stereo etc. are show as pictograms (same as
> on the RC))
Maybe later, but that wastes valuable screen space, I would say.
Currently there are still more important matters to attend to.
> >Or do you mean something else, which I just haven't understood?
> The new yellow string if i press "power" and a record is running.
> "Recording, shut down anyway?"
> No?
> Yes?
This is like all the other confirmation prompt, too: "Ok" confirms,
any other key cancels.
> It's not that hard if one accidently presses "OK",
> because there will be the "Press any key to cancel shutdown"
> as second stop.
> uups.
> just VDR turns off....
> Why that?
> I had played around with the power key while recording.
> pressed "OK" but cancled the power down.
> Now the record ends, and the vdr immediately shutdown.
> Hm, nice feature("power off as soon as possible"?),
> but a little bit surprising :-)
Well, it's hard for me to recreate the exact conditions you have there.
Im afraid you'll have to do some debugging of your own.
> >> Hm, i saw the yellow message, but now (no timers, nothing)
> >> "power" has no visible effect.
> >>
> >> 6:19 msi vdr[441]: Power button pressed
> >> 6:23 msi last message repeated 3 times ( because noting on
> >> screen) 6:25 msi vdr[441]: switching to channel 13 (to validate IRC
> >> is working)
> >I'll need to verify this, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
> Ok, it's not that urgent I did find a work arround in starting a
> recording.
> But that leds to another (minor old) bug.
> If i start a (timer less) manual record, and vdr dies
> (because of killall or pwr down) the (timer less) record
> is continued when vdr gets alive again. That's of cause OK.
> But in the main menue no "stop recording" is shown anymore,
> so i was not aware that the vdr is still recording...
> (Sorry, i did not look im "timers". Are those "timer less"
> recording listed there?)
Yes, they are. Actually it should be the first one in the list
(if you have the list sorted by time, which is the default).
> To get rid of the running recording i had to edit timer.conf.
Yes, that's the way it is.
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH Fax: +49-8635-6989-40
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