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[vdr] MP3 extention updated (version 0.22)

Hi all,
I have a new version of the MP3 extention available. It's mainly
a bug fix release. The version numbering has been changed to a
more common scheme.

Changes in this release:

-Fixed scanning of directories named with special characters
 (like backtick, backslash, dollar, doublequote).
-Added some warnings to syslog if a source basedir doesn't exists
 or is a link.
-Fixed a bug in the directory browser, where an already freed
 string was used.
-Added support for loading WinAmp-style playlists. Lines starting
 with # are treated as comments. Backslash (\) is converted to
 slash (/) for proper path names. If the DOS name contains a
 slash (/) it's converted to '?' and playing the file will
 propably fail. WinAmp-style playlists cannot be edited. A
 WinAmp-style playlist is detected if the line #EXTM3U is hit.
-Removing the upper case playlist extention .M3U in the MP3
 menu, too. Note: you can't distinguish playlists if their names
 differ only by the case of the extention.
-Fixed mpg123 command line options. Conversion to 48kHz did not
 took place (songs where played 8% too fast). This may improve
 the poor audio quality some pleople reported and fix the
 mono-mp3 double replay speed problem (untested, no mono-mp3
 available here), too.
-Closing all unused file descriptors in the decode thread.
-Changed version numbering.

Click to my homepage for download and documentation as usual.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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