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[vdr] Re: default setting of non used cards
On 28 Oct 2001 21:07:00 +0200, (Rainer
Zocholl) wrote:
> The price depends of your overall usage, don't forget to take
> the "grundgebuehren" into account and don't forget the tax...
I have to pay the Grundgebuehren anyway. So only the price for
additional kWh's count. It makes no sense to make the costs artificially
more expensive then they are.
> Then the price -for private users- in nearer to 25c than to 10c :-)
I pay with Yello currently 19 Pf/kWh thats 10 c. Next year I will pay 12
c because of the Oekosteuer. If you really pay 25 cents then you have
the wrong provider. Change to Yello and with the money saved each year
you can finance your VDR and its power usage. :)
> But that is another issue. because it doesnot matter
> how many money is given for nothing. Each cent and kWh payed
> for nothing is too much.
You are right, but it makes no sense to discuss about power save modes
for single unused DVB cards when there is no support in
> Yes. that's ok.
> But it makes no sense to pay for a complete waste of energie.
> You have no advantage if 4 cards are running "full power"
> but only one is used, or?
> And you have no disadvantage, if the unused cards are turned off.
> That's what i mean.
Yes, but it is not possible to do it. As we have no control over the
firmware any discussion about this is a waste of time.
> >and the Linux-VDR is certainly worth it.
> My box is curently using approx. 50W and i can use linux-vdr too.
> My old analog tuner had i think 50W is a lot, but
> i could turn off the old video recorders, antenna amplifiers
> and got a lot convience for not much more money.
Its ok, I do the same with master/slave switches where it is possible.
But with Linux-VDR it isn't that easy because my whole family is using
it. If the automatic power on with the bios timer works reliant enough
then I will probably look into this issue. But then there is still the
problem for me to power on the box when someone wants to view something,
because my box is in the cellar. For those having it in the living room
this is no problem because the can press the power button.
> That's no question!
> I am only against wasting energy (and money) for something that
> is not working for me.
> If something is working for me, i of cause like to pay the price
> for the resources needed.
> That's a different "quality".
I am with you, but you always have to find a compromise. Remember,
Linux-VDR is no commercial product and PCs and the cards are not
designed for this usage. So we have to live with some compromises here.
Of course you can by a commercial HD-SAT receiver which works as you
expect, but they have other drawbacks. The only thing that we can do is
to work toward the full power-off/timer-on functionality, which I think
will save in total much more energy than power save modes during use.
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