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[vdr] Re: MP3 extention pre release

Am Montag, 12. November 2001 21:35 schrieben Sie:
> > mp3: playing /home/lordjaxom/MP3s/House (Charts)/
>                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Let me guess: is not a mp3 file? Seems that
> the id3-scanner tries to work on the file and crashes. I tried
> with some random files and got only some eratic values but no
> crash. What is the contents of the file?
> Oh, another guess: the file is shorter than 128 bytes?

Yes it is , it is exactly 37 bytes.

It's the directory description KDE creates. Does anyone know how to turn that
By the way: You should check filesize>128 before fetching the last 128 bytes 

Sascha Volkenandt

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