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[vdr] Re: putting DVD in "quiet" mode Weingart)  04.12.01 00:07

Once upon a time Matthias Weingart shaped the electrons to say...

>> IIRC:
>> That should better read "ATA sequences" and should be documented
>> in any/the drives manual or SCSI(=almost ATA) spec/CD <color> book.

>Well sure, but where to get a drive manual for a Pioneer drive?
>Setting the speed seems to be different from CD drives, 


>because hdparm does not work.


Once upon a time i got such manuals from the
"distributor" for the vendor. 

Just ask politely.
I see no reason why this should be any problem.
They want to sell the devices, not any funny softwares.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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