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[vdr] Re: Re : VDR files to vob

Rene Bartsch wrote:
> Am Son, 2002-07-14 um 15.51 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> > Rene Bartsch wrote:
> > >
> > > ..
> > > The DVB does, but with other players (MPlayer, M$ MediaPlayer with
> > > Elecard Plugin) you have green distortions at the beginning of EACH
> > > VDR-file. Maybe it's the A/V-delay in PES-streams. What contradicts to
> > > switch VDR to PS, which can be handled by nearly any player?
> >
> > Well, PES works fine with the DVB cards, so I didn't see the need to
> > do anything additional.
> >
> > As far as I understand this, a PS consists mainly of PES, with some
> > additional packets containing some more information for the decoder.
> > If you can send me a patch that adds this to VDR, and if files created that
> > way can still be replayed over the DVB cards (without any changes, meaning
> > it must not matter whether the file has been recorded as PES or PS),
> > I might consider changing this.
> >
> > However, since the DVB cards can easily replay PES, I wonder why other
> > players can't...
> >
> A/V-PES is a proprietary format of the DVB-cards. So they can easily
> replay ... Other players simply don't understand that proprietary
> PES-format, as it usually isn't used in any applications.

VDR doesn't use A/V_PES. It did so in earlier versions, but since version
0.70 it saves files in PES, which AFAIK is not proprietary. Every player
should be able to replay these files.

> As far as I know, DVD-VOBs are PS, working with VDR and genindex. So it
> shouldn't be a problem to replay it. I don't know much about
> PS/PES-format, but if I remind well you're right with the additional
> packets.
> What I can remind, PS has additional information for syncing A/V, so
> it's easier for the player to keep in sync.

The necessary data to keep audio and video in sync should be in the packets
saved in the VDR recordings - otherwise the DVB driver couldn't synchronize, either.

> It would also be a step to DVD-recording.
> Does VDR use a own TS2PES-remuxer or do you use the one in the
> DVB-driver? Then you could switch to the PS-remuxer in the driver.

See VDR/remux.c. Actually this is not a remultiplexer, but rather a
"repacker", since it merely unpacks the TS packets and puts them together
again to form 2048 byte long PES packets.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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