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[vdr] Re: Re : VDR files to vob

Am Son, 2002-07-14 um 18.23 schrieb Carsten Koch:
> Andreas Schultz wrote:
> ...
> > vdr uses PES
> > dvd's use PS
> what do SVCDs use?
> However, all MPEG2 player software all over the world is tested with DVDs
> or SVCDs, because that's what MPEG2 player software is primarily for.
> So, no wonder many players no not work right with PES files.
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> ...
> > VDR doesn't use A/V_PES. It did so in earlier versions, but since version
> > 0.70 it saves files in PES, which AFAIK is not proprietary. Every player
> > should be able to replay these files.
> I agree, it *should* do it. 
> But if I understand Rene right, it *does not* do it.

Neither M$ MediaPlayer, PowerDVD nor WinDVD played VDR-Recordings
without some little help like Elecard Plugin.
> Would it not be very convenient to be able to use the tons of software
> that exist to process DVD *.vob files also for VDR 0*.vdr files?

That's exactly what I mean. If we use VOB, we'll have a very compatible
format with tons of software and enough pids for multiple audio-,
subtitle- and video-streams. And we could write the video_ts-directory
directly to DVD by using packet-writing with UDF - which means we could
directly record to DVD+/-R(W) - or CD as mini-DVD, if we set file size
to 700 MB (I think most of stand-alone DVD-players would also handle CDs
with DVD-content)!


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