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[vdr] Re: Necessity of Emergency Exits...

the code changed in dvbapi.c from vdr-1.0.0.pre4 to pre5. I always patch the
dvbapi.c with old pre4 code (watch for the exact line numbers for the AIO patch).
From this point all the restart problems (perhaps weak signal) are gone. Ok i
live with audio/video glitches, no problem at all.

Karsten Müller schrieb:

> Hi List, hi Klaus :)
> this weekend I added a third DVB-C card to my VDR box. No problem with that
> at all :) But I noticed that especially due to the "nice" weather we had
> this weekend the signal quality wasn't the best which resulted in *many*
> messages like these
> Jul 21 19:00:02 player vdr[2292]: ERROR: video data stream broken
> Jul 21 19:00:02 player vdr[2292]: initiating emergency exit
> Jul 21 19:00:02 player vdr[2267]: emergency exit requested - shutting down
> Jul 21 19:00:02 player vdr[2267]: saved setup to
>                                   /usr/local/src/VDRtmp/setup.conf
> [ ... approx. 30 repeats of these messages... ]
> Jul 21 22:52:57 player vdr[4710]: ERROR: video data stream broken
> Jul 21 22:52:57 player vdr[4710]: initiating emergency exit
> Jul 21 22:52:57 player vdr[2612]: emergency exit requested - shutting down
> Jul 21 22:52:57 player vdr[2612]: saved setup to
>                                   /usr/local/src/VDRtmp/setup.conf
> Is it *really* necessary to shutdown the *whole* vdr just because the video
> stream of *one* recording is broken for a second or two ?
> Wouldn't it be *much* better to "record" just a black picture or whatever
> until the signal is back ?
> An "emergency exit" of course affects *all* recordings on *all* cards at
> that time. So if a video data stream of *one* card fails, *all* recordings
> are stopped by this "emergency exit". This behaviour is very annoying and
> I really don't see the necessity of handling errors like this...?
> As Klaus Schmidinger stated in an earlier eMail, a DVB card should be
> able to jump on a data stream at *any* given time, wouldn't it be much better
> to let the card just "sit and wait" until the signal comes back maybe with a
> timeout of a minute or so (*and* leaving all the other recordings
> unaffected) ?
> I could live with an audio/video glitch or even a missing part in *one*
> particular stream which actually *was* broken but not with missing 10-20
> seconds in *all* recordings...
> Hopefully this behaviour will be fixed/changed in the next "plugIn'ed"
> version of the VDR (?)
> Anyone ?
> PS: At the same time where VDR "emergency exits", my dbox f.e. just waits for
>     a second, displaying a message like "signal lost, blah blah..." and then
>     immediately continues working after the signal returns (mostly after
>     about 1 second)
> PPS: Anyway, the VDR is still a *great* thing to have and surely beats all
> of the commercial attempts of digital video recorders out there. Thanks a
> lot for all your work Klaus (and all contributors of course)
> - --
> with best regards
> - ---
> Karsten Mueller
> Softwaredevelopment / Keyaccount Manager
> RATIO Entwicklungen GmbH
> Admiralitaetstr. 59
> 20459 Hamburg
> Email:
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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> =gkt5

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