On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 11:29:48PM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
So times in marks.vdr are correct for the video stream?
Actually VDR doesn't look at any PTS or whatever when cutting. It simply
takes the I-frame at the starting point together with whatever audio
packets might be in there. This is a very simple approach which must
work since replaying an MPEG2 stream must be able to start at any time
from the next available I-frame.
Nevertheless, on replaying there are _sometimes_ some distortions
visible (`Kloetzchen') and audio sometimes gives sharp noise.
I demuxed a vdr file with distortions using ds.jar. Playing the
resulting mpeg video file alone with mplayer does not show the
distortions. It seems the audio discontinuity confuses the players.