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[vdr] Re: vdr - lirc

> Have you checked with the mode2 program whether something is received?

> licr wants to use its own driver lirc-serial for the serial port. For
> this this you either have to deactivate the port with setserial or
> compile the standard serial port driver as module and load the
> lirc_serial driver before the standard driver. It is only allowed to
> have one driver active on the port. I don't know xmms and xine, but you
> should check whether they can use lirc for remote control.

As I have said, xine and xmms are working perfectly, mode2 gives the codes.
That is so confusing. I really don't no where to lock for the problem. Is it 
lirc? vdr?

How can I check, which serial-driver is loaded first? 
I'm sorry, I can build my own kernel, but don't know as much as seems to be 
necessary :-)


* Dr. Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn
* University of Bayreuth

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