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[vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards
Martin Kemper wrote:
> ...
> >> for this layout, it is clear that A0 - A10 MUST be allready wired to the DSP
> >> and if we/you get an replacing part, simple look for an which can do
> >> on bit more on the COLUMN mode and you have your 4mb
> >>
> but the datacheat say on page 19:
> The SDRAM must be 16-bits wide. The `AV7110 provides control signals for up to two SDRAMs.
> Any combination of 4 or 16 Mbit SDRAMs may be used, provided they total at least 16 Mbits. Other
> supported sizes and configurations are:
> 16 Mbit ? one 16 Mbit SDRAM
> 20 Mbit ? one 16 Mbit and one 4 Mbit SDRAM
> 32 Mbit ? two 16 Mbit SDRAM
> so you cound not use one big sdram.
> ...
> >> with this no change to the hardware decoder would be needed
> >> but only somebody with knowledge of the firmewareinternals
> >> can answer and help here !
> >>
> on Page 19:
> The two chip selects correspond to the following address ranges:
> SCS1 ? 0xCC00 0000 - 0xCC1F FFFF
> SCS2 ? 0xCC20 0000 - 0xCDFF FFFF
> so each has a range of 2Mbyte
Well, thanks for pointing out this page - I guess I must have been
blind so far, not to have seen this...
So basically this means that we definitely need access to SCS2, otherwise
we can flat out forget about this.
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