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[vdr] Re: Wrong device selection for recording

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 11:41:11 +0200, Emil Naepflein
<> wrote:

> I use the current 1.2.1 version of vdr on a system with 4 cards and it
> now happend several times that a recording with lower priority was
> interrupted by one with higher priority even there was a free card with
> a higher number available. After the recording was stopped it was then
> restarted on the free higher numbered card. 
> Has someone seen a similar behaviour?

After having a look on the code of GetDevice() in device.c, I think the
problem is there. I have rewritten it and it now selects a card with
following priorities:

1. receiving and allowing additional receivers
2. free and fewer Ca values
3. free
4. receiving and lower priority
5. receiving and equal priority but fewer Ca values

The first card with the highest priority (1 = high, 5 = low) is selected
for recording. With this the problems I saw have disappeared.


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