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[vdr] Re: mp3 + recording -> no tv-picture

Sebastian Kemper wrote:
> Juri Haberland wrote:
> > Sebastian Kemper wrote:
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>when I record a program, for instance a German talkshow like Arabella
> >>(why would I do this? :D), I can watch the same channel simultaneously.
> >>Sometimes the wish to listen to mp3s crosses my mind so I start the
> >>plugin. But then the tv-screen goes black. I got one TT 1.6 in my VDR.
> >>Is this behaviour related to a hardware limitation?
> >
> >
> > First I thought it's a case of RTFM, but then I tried it myself and got
> > the following behaviour:
> >
> > Even though you set the background mode of the mp3 plugin to 'live' the
> > screen goes black when you listen to an mp3 while recording.
> >
> > And no, I don't think it's a hardware limitation, just a software
> > limitiation...
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Juri
> >
> >
> >
> Then maybe some coder is able to fix it. Thx!

When recording on the primary device, VDR starts the receiving process in
"non-live" mode and displays the current channel (if it is the one that
is currently being recorded) in "Transfer Mode". It does this so that the
live channel can be any of the channels that are available on the current

If an mp3 plugin wants to replay a sound file, but wants to have "live"
video, that video can only be the one from a channel that is currently not
being recorded (otherwise a Transfer Mode process would be occupying the
output device).


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