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[vdr] Re: howto "share" timers.conf ?

On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 13:06:59 +0200, Thomas Glomann <>

> how can I share config files with several independant VDR processes running on 
> differnt computers.

That isn't possible, yet

> I have 2 computers, each equipped with one ff DVB-s card. Now what I want to 
> do is : have one DVBs card (running in my server) do all the recording so 
> that my other DVBs card (in my living room) is not occupied so that I can 
> still watch all channels during recording. 
> Primary prority limit of "recording" VDR is set to 0 whereas "watching" VDR is 
> set to 80. So all timer entries with the default priority of 50 should be 
> automatically recorded by the DVBs in the server. 

I have a similar setup here.

> The timers.conf (and channels.conf) of the server's VDR are symlinked to the 
> ones of my living room VDR.
> However, when I set up a timer in the living room, the server does not 
> recognize this entry and thus does not record it. 

This is because VDR reads the files only on startup.

> So how can I make the server's VDR automatically make recognize any "external" 
> changes to timers.conf ? 

There is no way currently except restarting VDR. What I do is to program
all timers on the server either directly, by vdradmin or .
This functionally is expected in 1.3.x. A plugin replacing the default
timer menu in the client which use SVDRP could do the job.


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