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[vdr] Re: howto "share" timers.conf ?

Thomas Glomann wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I share config files with several independant VDR processes running on
> differnt computers.
> I have 2 computers, each equipped with one ff DVB-s card. Now what I want to
> do is : have one DVBs card (running in my server) do all the recording so
> that my other DVBs card (in my living room) is not occupied so that I can
> still watch all channels during recording.
> Primary prority limit of "recording" VDR is set to 0 whereas "watching" VDR is
> set to 80. So all timer entries with the default priority of 50 should be
> automatically recorded by the DVBs in the server.
> The timers.conf (and channels.conf) of the server's VDR are symlinked to the
> ones of my living room VDR.
> However, when I set up a timer in the living room, the server does not
> recognize this entry and thus does not record it.
> So how can I make the server's VDR automatically make recognize any "external"
> changes to timers.conf ?

Short answer: by restarting the server's VDR.

Long answer: at it's current state VDR is not designed to be networked,
so this is not really possible to achieve. Even if you restart the server's
VDR, it will read the new timers.conf, but still _both_ instances of VDR
will record timers that have a priority above the highest "primary limit".


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