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[vdr] Re: problems witch all-in-one-patch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochen Georges" <>
Subject: [vdr] problems witch all-in-one-patch

> archie:/opt# zcat vdr-1.0.0pre5-AIO-03.04.diff.gz | patch
> some infos about my situation:
> linuxtv-dvb-1.0.0
> vdr-1.2.2
> (it works fine without the patch)

Hi Jochen,

it seems to me that you try to patch a VDR version 1.2.2 with a patch
written for version 1.0.0pre5. As patches work on sourcecode level and the
sources between 1.0.0 and 1.2.2 have changed a lot, this can't work.

You can get the extended functionality back by installing some "plugins"
instead of applying patches. One of the major improvements of VDR version
1.1.x and above was the plugin interface, that makes it unneccessary to
patch the sources.

Take a look at the VDR homepage to see what plugins are available and where
to get them.
Take a look in the manual of VDR v1.2.2 to see how plugins can be


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