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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.2.2: Small "bug" when edititing timers

Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Fritz)  20.08.03 08:10

>>Wouldn't it be more consistent that, if a time is decreased/increased
>>with the up/down buttons, the date should be corrected if there is an
>>overflow in the time of day?

That would be nice to have, yes.

> Too it would very nice if the start time is moved the stop time 
> moves too keeping the offset between. (Mostly the length of a program
> it constant, but often it's start time changes!)(*)

> (*) In detail:
> The first time changes in "start" should move both times.
> When changing the stop time, both timers can be changed
> indepenedly. (As long as one timer does not hit the other
> then they are moved with offset 0 as long as the direction 
> is the same).

I object!
I often have timers where I want to adjust the start time a little bit
back (earlier), because those private stations in Germany aren't very
accurate, when it comes to start times (I often miss the beginning even
with the two minutes pre-roll). But I still want the 10 minutes post-roll.


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