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[vdr] Re: Announce: MediaMVP server/plugin 0.0.9

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Dominic Morris wrote:

>I've finally put my thinking hat on, learnt a tiny smidgen of C++ (and
>copied a fair bit more!) and produced a (pretty alpha) plugin for the MVP
>server. The plugin isn't as flexible as the standalone application - it's
>just a thin skin around the original C code and does some nasty
>unthreadsafe things which might(?) well end in tears...
>You can download it from
>Changes from 0.0.7 to 0.0.9
>- Split into two components - a library to control the MVP and an
>application to generate the menu systems
>- VDR plugin support

Do you have any info on how heavy this is for the VDR machine? I assume
the mediamvp plugin has to take care of a lot of things for the MediaMVP
box, which I also assume is more or less just receiving displayable data
from the server.

Is the streamdev plugin still needed or does your new plugin now take care
of that aspect too? That would indeed be a nice addition (or removal,

Btw, the mediamvp.conf config files has a small typo, I don't know if the
same typo is in the sources too:

; Screensize definitions - total screen area
screenidth = 720
screendepth = 576

Should be "screenwidth".

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