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[vdr] Re: vdr and motorised dish

> OK,
> Thomas Bergwinkl pointed out the fact that I needed to tell the plugin
> to use card no1 instead of the "default" no2.
> After that I manage to actually move the antenna back and forth and to
> tune into different transponders. That really works good!
> Now I would like to store the positions and be able to recall them.
> My example would be to store a new position #3 for Thor at S1W. My
> diseqc.conf would then need to add:
> S1W 11700 V 9750 t v W15 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03]
> W15 t
> S1W 99999 V 10600 t v W15 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B
> 03] W15 T
> S1W 11700 H 9750 t V W15 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03]
> W15 t
> S1W 99999 H 10600 t V W15 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B 03] W1 [E0 31 6B
> 03] W15 T
> to be able to recall Thor, right?

Yes, this looks good.

> The problem is when I try to tune or change into one of the channels
> which corresponds to S1W the dish moves elsewhere.....

So you want to use your diseqc.conf. Have you set "Use Diseqc" in LNB-Setup
of VDR to 'Yes'?
To store a position you have to go East/West until you've found the
satellite (e.g Thor). Then you have to select position 3 by selecting the
right satellite (press left/right) in the plugin-menu or just type in 3 when
you are on 'Store xx'. That should be all. Now you can test it by selecting
'Goto 3'. Thereby the right satellite should be displayed if the (right)
entry is in diseqc.conf. (Otherwise 'Not in DISEQC.CONF' will be displayed).


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