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[vdr] Re: Streamdev Q's and A's

Am Montag, 16. Februar 2004 17:36 schrieb Dennis Noordsij:
> > Maybe you've got the AUTOPID-Problem (it's an #ifdef in client/device.c
> > currently set to #if 0. Set it to #if 1 to have EPG on the client). This
> > will be corrected for 1.2 (without and hopefully even with AUTOPID) and
> > 1.3 in the next release.
> Sorry, I am running 1.2.6 (should have mentioned that earlier :-) with only
> the EPG preferred language patch. No autopids. I don't see any errors on
> the logs, just lots of EPG data being sent, but the client never shows
> anything.

Like I said, look for #if 0 in client/device.c and change it to #if 1

Greetings, Sascha

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