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[vdr] Re: Can vdr work without antenna? (play recordings)

> Maybe the rev 1.5 really is not affected by no signal - just like Oliver
> Endriss pointed out. After all the one report I got of a supposed rev.
> 1.5 was detected as a rev 1.3 by the driver, and if that is so maybe it
> just is no rev 1.5 but a rev 1.3 :).
> Dennis - have you tried out whether your setup crashes without your patch?
> - Gregor


I have been using this patch for months, when the DVB-T and C were in the same 
box, and now seperate. It has not crashed once. From what I remember, it was 
not this stable without the change. But I can try this when I come home and 
I'll let you all know :-)


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