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[vdr] Re: dvbsubs, recordings etc.

On Sunday 14 March 2004 02:11, Ora Järvinen wrote:
> A couple of questions (before I even bother trying this out):

Hyvä asenne!

> - does it work correctly with multilingual subtitles?

You can select primary and secondary language.

> - are the subtitles recorded, and if yes, can I select them during
> playback?

Both primary and secondary language are recorded(you can disable the 

There is a setup option to disable showing of the subtitles, if that's what 
you mean.

> Just IMHO subtitles are such a basic feature (present in most if not all
> stand-alone receivers) taht I think it should be included in the VDR base
> system...

This has been discussed several times on this list. Subtitles are a non-issue 
for most VDR users (especially Klaus :), so they are not a priority. I guess 
subtitles are included in the core eventually,  when more important features 
have been implemented.

-- pekka

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