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[vdr] Re: dvbsubs, recordings etc.

Pekka Virtanen wrote:

This has been discussed several times on this list. Subtitles are a non-issue for most VDR users (especially Klaus :), so they are not a priority. I guess subtitles are included in the core eventually, when more important features have been implemented.
And it really is rather complicated issue, as there are two kinds of subtitles
dvb-type and teletext-type, it also appears that the 'standard' for teletext-type
is not followed everywhere.

btw, Is it possible to patch both plugins to vdr, subtitles and ttxtsubs,
instead of rewriting and combining the bloody patches ?
I have a faint memory that somebody has done that.

Now as we are on the subject, I have allways wondered what the hell
Bogart and Bergman are saying in dubbed versions of Casablanca, instead of
'Play it again, Sam' and 'Here's to you kid'.
Can't be anything sensible or heartwarming.  :)

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