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[vdr] Re: dvbsubs, recordings etc.

Pekka Virtanen wrote:
> On Sunday 14 March 2004 08:34, Ora Järvinen wrote:
>>> You can select primary and secondary language.
>> Aren't there channels with subtitles in more than two languages?
> VDR has to know what language subtitles you want to read. Usually you
> would have only one selectable language but since in Finland most
> people can read finnish and swedish I made an option for secodary
> language, so that you don't have to change any settings when you
> change channels.
> Anyways, you can change the primary and secondary anytime you like.
> Btw, I haven't heard of any non-finnish channels that use DVB
> subtitles. If anybody knows such a channel, I would like to know how
> DVB subtitles plugin handles that channel.

On satellite, there are zillions of them. BBC (the "real" one and BBC
Prime), the Scandinavian satellite channels (CanalDigital, I believe Viasat
also), many French channels, Switzerland, Sweden... and probably many

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