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[vdr] Re: Can vdr work without antenna? (play recordings)

On Monday 15 March 2004 13:20, Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:
> Dennis Noordsij wrote:
> > Well this is funny. I have 2 supposedly identical DVB-C's, (one has a
> > capacitor soldered to one of the SAA pins as an afterthought), identical
> > in PCI settings, and dvb driver information on them.
> used in the same computer or two different ones? If you're using two
> different computers please try to swap the cards. Maybe it depends on
> the rest of the hardware as well (kernel timing etc.?)

Yes I did try that :-) 
2 (coincidentally) identical PC's, swap cards, problem follows card. It really 
is in the card, not in other hardware.

> > One will run forever with no signal, perfectly. With or without ves1820
> > module.
> > One gives me the dreaded outCommand error - ARM crash after some time. If
> > the ves1820 module is loaded it lasts a lot longer than when it isn't.
> Can you try vdr 1.1.13 and the 0.9.4 driver with the crashing card and
> see how long that is stable when you use just replaying?
> I've had 0.9.4 running stable for weeks with a card that later crashed
> with 1.0.0 drivers within hours or minutes.

Can I do that while running 2.6.4? And then the streamdev-client probably 
doesn't work in 1.1.13, etc. 

> > What are the latest thoughts on what causes this and what may work around
> > it?
> I'm still not too sure about this  - but maybe this has something to do
> with the rest of the system rather than the cards itself. Sometimes
> people have reported outcom errors are even caused by things like heat
> etc. but obviously in the same setup both cards ought to work.

Wasn't there a remark on the DVB list about calling SetPIDS(0,0,0,0,0) 
periodically (interrupts video stream though) to keep things working?

In /var/log/messages the fw_command errors occur when switching channels after 
the message "Transer thread ended" but before "Receiver thread ended". This 
is a streamdev-client though so I don't know if this is useful at all :-)

Thanks for your reply,

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