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[vdr] Re: TVTV documentation? Plugin improvements?

Bernd Juraschek wrote:
> Hi,
>> I dumped some of the XML stuff that comes back from TVTV - in fact,
>> it doesn't seem to send a "delete" message (though I thought I'd
>> seen something like that somewhere).
>> ...
>> <!ATTLIST epg_schedule_entry starttime CDATA #REQUIRED>
>> <!ATTLIST epg_schedule_entry endtime CDATA #REQUIRED>
>> <!ATTLIST epg_schedule_entry vpstime CDATA #IMPLIED>
> Hmm - can we use vpstime to setup timer using the new vps feature?
> Is this the same value used for the digital vps?

It's not actually sent to the client.

That's why I'd be interested in some documentation - I dumped some messages
some time ago, and I'm sure I saw an "eventtype=delete" but can't reproduce
it... it could depend on what you have indicated as your equipment (and
certainly what kind of request the client sends).

What I currently get looks like this:

<epg_schedule_entry uid="2225609" channel="BBC Three" starttime="2004-03-14
23:00:00 +0000" endtime="2004-03-14 23:30:00 +0000" eventtype="rec">
<title><![CDATA[Little Britain]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Matt Lucas and David Walliams take a comic look at
life in Britain]]></description>

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