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[vdr] Re: Transcoding to mpeg2

Hi Nigel,

Also sprach Nigel Magnay zu "18.03.2004 16:10" Anno Domini:
I'm guessing there may be a few people on this list that are doing transcoding to mpeg2 in order to view non mp2 videos with VDR.
I'm currently using a line of
mencoder -o bb2.mpeg -of mpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=5000 -vop scale=720:576 -oac lavc bb.avi
To do my transcoding. This works fine, but on my 933Mhz C3 I get a glorious convesion rate of about 9fps. I kinda expected this because
the C3 isn't the fastest machine in the world and MPEG2 is known to be quite expensive.
So - are there any good 'options' I can pass to mencoder that people have discovered - notably, I don't care about the output file size particularly, my
high value for vbitrate= was to try and save it some time in compressing.
I'm probably going to buy a 3Ghz P4 or something to act as my transcoding box - does anyone know if that should be sufficient ?
If you only want to what the material once you can use the mplayer plugin together with Juri's fine script. There you can get realtime transcoding directly to your DVB device with scaleable performance/quality. My 866MHz P3-Notebook is fast enough to transcode at a output resolution of about 700x576 and I only expirence very very seldom stuttering at very high motion scenes.

Maybe the from Juri can provide you some hints how to do fast non-realtime transcoding (to mpeg1!) too.

You can find them here:

mplayer plugin: script:

Patrick Cernko | |
Quote of the Week: "Quis custodit custodes?
Ceterum censeo Microsoftem esse delendam!"

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