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[vdr] Re: OT: RGB Component from J2

You'll also need the "composite" pin for sync. This is composite
sync, so make sure your CRT can handle this. Otherwise you'll
need a bit of circuitry (LM1881,a NAND gate and a AND gate)
to get H & V sync out of the DVB

And lastely YUV (component) is *NOT* RGB. YUV is a brightness
signal (Y) and a color difference mix (U & V). The DVB doesn't
ouptut YUV, but rather RGBs. The "s" being composite sync.
My false assumtion was that the colour coded cinch connetors actually ment red green and blue. However by reading your and Robertos answers I think that's more likely an YUV setup instead.

The beamer supports RGB as well, should I try to take that path?
After reading the whole discussion I am little confused?

Do you mean that your Beamer has separate inputs for
Red, Green, Blue and Sync which can be outputted from DVB card
pins 1(sync), 3(blue), 5(green) and 7(red).

What about ground pin 10, does that need to be connected somehow to beamer?


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