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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] VirtualSTB

Torgeir Veimo wrote:

On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 16:16 +0200, Philip Lawatsch wrote:

Lauri Tischler wrote:

2 keyboards, 2 monitors, one mouse, IR and bluetooth (assuming you mean a vdr box since you're talking about configuration via ssh) ...
Now you know at least one :)

What hardware are you using? I'm setting up such a box, but am having
major hardware issues with my via kt600delta mainboard for athlons.
For this box I've got a cheap Duron 1800 system with a msi board with 6 pci slots (i think its a KT4V-L but I'm not sure). There are 1 FF and 2 Budget dvbs, 1 network card, 1 additional promise fastrack ide controller, one soundcard and a cheap fx5200 card (and a _lot_ of fans).

1 wireless keyboard ps2, 1 usb keyboard and a ps2 mouse. One cheap bluetooth dongle and whatever ir connector came with ff card from usa-x.

kind regards -ph-

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