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[vdr] Re: Choice of Filesystem for VDR

On 12.08.2004 22:44, Alfred Zastrow wrote:
> Matthias Schniedermeyer schrieb:
> >>I do hope that this is not too off topic to discuss here, but I'd really 
> >>like to know what experiences you have with the various filesystems and 
> >>vdr.
> >
> >
> >For my VDR-boxes i have used ext2 for (nearly) 4 years now.
> >
> >With "normal" uptimes of > 0,5year i can live with a fsck about every 6
> >month. (And "temporary" recording hdds have only 80GB. And because it is
> >normaly(tm) empty even when it has to do a fsck, it doesn't take very
> >long)
> Uuhh. That is not very economic. Assuming a power consumption of 150W 
> your normal uptime of a 0,5 year costs about 85 € per anno.  :-)))

I can afford that. ;-)
There are other things that are much more expensive.

> [...]
> >Or don't use a journaling filesystem. When you computer crashed while
> >recording, the recording(s) (is/are) garbage with or without a
> >journaling filesystem.
> That's wrong.

A recording with just a single GOP missing is garbage per (my)

And if you computer crashed about 1 minute after the recording is
finished, it is OK(*) regardless if it was recorded with or without a
journaling filesystem.

*: The "interesting" part.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, 
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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