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[vdr] VDR-1.3.19: missed VPS recording "c't Magzin"


I don't understand why VDR didn't record the mentioned programme. Below lines come from /var/log/messages (current channel was 7, VDR started with -D0 although two devices are present in the box):

Feb 5 12:05:27 video vdr[7709]: channel 7 (ProSieben) event 12:06 'bullyparade' status 2
Feb 5 12:05:59 video vdr[7709]: channel 7 (ProSieben) event 12:06 'bullyparade' status 4
Feb 5 12:09:58 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 676 687 680 681 672 682 673 674 675 683 to 676 687 680 672 673 674 675 683
Feb 5 12:14:58 video vdr[7709]: changing name of channel 681 from 'D 2 - 10:00,;' to 'D 2 - 12:30,;'
Feb 5 12:14:58 video vdr[7709]: changing name of channel 682 from 'D 3 - 10:30,;' to 'D 3 - 12:30,;'
Feb 5 12:14:58 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 676 687 680 672 673 674 675 683 to 676 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683
Feb 5 12:26:28 video vdr[7709]: channel 8 (KABEL1) event 12:27 'Baywatch - Die Rettungsschwimmer von Malibu' status 2
Feb 5 12:26:58 video vdr[7709]: channel 8 (KABEL1) event 12:27 'Baywatch - Die Rettungsschwimmer von Malibu' status 4
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[7695]: timer 1 (16 1230-1300 'c't magazin') entered VPS margin
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[8707]: transfer thread ended (pid=8707, tid=475145)
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[8709]: TS buffer on device 1 thread ended (pid=8709, tid=507915)
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[8708]: buffer stats: 117500 (5%) used
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[8708]: receiver on device 1 thread ended (pid=8708, tid=491530)
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[7695]: buffer stats: 326932 (15%) used
Feb 5 12:28:00 video vdr[7695]: switching device 1 to channel 16
Feb 5 12:28:01 video vdr[7695]: switching to channel 7
Feb 5 12:28:02 video vdr[9745]: transfer thread started (pid=9745, tid=606217)
Feb 5 12:28:02 video vdr[9746]: receiver on device 1 thread started (pid=9746, tid=622602)
Feb 5 12:28:02 video vdr[9747]: TS buffer on device 1 thread started (pid=9747, tid=638987)
Feb 5 12:29:29 video vdr[7709]: channel 6 (SAT.1) event 12:30 'Alles dreht sich um Bonnie' status 2
Feb 5 12:29:58 video vdr[7709]: channel 6 (SAT.1) event 12:30 'Alles dreht sich um Bonnie' status 4
Feb 5 12:37:28 video vdr[7709]: channel 7 (ProSieben) event 12:38 'Die Burg' status 2
Feb 5 12:37:58 video vdr[7709]: channel 7 (ProSieben) event 12:38 'Die Burg' status 4
Feb 5 12:39:58 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 676 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683 to 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683
Feb 5 12:44:28 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683 to 676 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683
Feb 5 12:44:58 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 676 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683 to 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683
Feb 5 12:59:01 video /usr/sbin/cron[10159]: (root) CMD ( rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.hourly)
Feb 5 12:59:29 video vdr[7709]: channel 6 (SAT.1) event 13:00 'Britt' status 2
Feb 5 12:59:58 video vdr[7709]: channel 6 (SAT.1) event 13:00 'Britt' status 4
Feb 5 13:04:28 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 675 683 to 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 683
Feb 5 13:09:58 video vdr[7709]: linking channel 323 from 687 680 672 681 682 673 674 683 to 680 681 682 673 674 683
Feb 5 13:11:06 video vdr[7695]: next timer event at Sun Feb 6 13:05:00 2005
Feb 5 13:11:06 video vdr[7695]: confirm: Taste dr374cken um Shutdown abzubrechen

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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