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[linux-dvb] Re: Pinnacle Studio Deluxe

On Thu, 15 May 2003, Michael Hunold wrote:

> Hello Loren,
> > I purchased a Pinnace Studio Deluxe AV/DV
> > video capture card about a year ago for
> [...]
> > I was hoping to get the AV portion
> > working.  It uses a philips semiconductor
> > SAA7146 pci bridge with several chips
> > connected to it through i2c.  Some of the
> > other chips are SAA7114 and ADV7171KSV.
> I get 2-3 e-mails per year asking for support for this card.
> It might be possible to get the analog video stuff working for it 
> (saa7114+saa7146), ie. you can use the card as a video-in capture card, 
> but without detailed informations on how the card internally works, it's 
> IMHO impossible to get it fully working.
> Additionally, you could reverse engineer the setting from the Windows 
> driver, but that's a job I don't do anymore...

I am rather new to device driver programming, but am willing on to take
on a new challenge.  What's the best thing to do due to try to reverse
engineer the windows driver?  Is there a program that can tell me 
everything going on with the windows driver or should I buy a special
pci card designed for such a job.  Or is should I try to somehow
monitor the driver card as it's executing?

I've also ran across someone who has been writing a driver for the
ADV7171, the video encoder for this board, maybe I can get both

> Perhaps Pinnacle can give you a clear statement wheter they support 
> Linux or not.
> CU
> Michael.

I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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