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[linux-dvb] Re: Problems with TechnoTrend dec2000-t USB

Alex Woods wrote:

The case is, if I do
ifconfig dvb0_0 promisc ,
the kernel panics crying about a bug in sched.c (!).
That looks like the same bug i have in the ttusb-nova driver, that the
section handler is directly called from the (interrupt-) urb-complete
handler. This has to be fixed in the driver (and in the ttusb-nova too).

It would be nice to have the output from ksymoops of the panic message, all the same. I have tried and failed to replicate it :(

What is the nature of the problem with calling the section handler from the urb complete, by the way, Felix?
please use tasklets to do the real work for your interrupt handlers. Take a look in the PCI drivers for an example, the pretty simple to convert: just schedule your tasklet with old irq handler function in the new irq handler.

Since tasklets are strongly serialized (if the tasklet is already running while a new interrupt arrives it's not scheduled again) you have to check at the end of your tasklet function if new data arrived and if you have to run it once again.


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