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[linux-dvb] Re: mods to bt878.c

> >These ones with Subsystem ID are pretty trivial to handle, adding
> >a way to blacklist them in btaudio is just a few lines of code.
> Maybe it might make sense to add a 'i2c-ping-table' to identify the 
> cards: if it's e.g. possible to talk to chips at i2c adresses 0xXX, 0xYY 
> and 0xZZ then we have probably card XXYYZZ...

It may make sense for DVB cards, don't know the hardware good enougth.
It certainly doesn't make sense for el-cheapo analog bt878 cards.  They
all respond on two addresses: eeprom and tuner (0xa0 / 0xc0 IIRC).  bttv
used to attempt autodetect tv cards that way years ago, it is gone
because it simply didn't work.


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