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[vdr] Re: Enhancing vdr UI usability wrote:
> ...
> > > I recently used a Sat DTB and the interface for the guide was about
> > > the same (without the green key). But Klaus mentioned the calendar
> > > plug-in - it might be worth a try.
> >
> >Ok, now we are getting somewhere...  perhaps the STBs that I am used to
> >are very different in operation from the STBs you guys are used to?
> I don't know where Klaus got his ideas.

Actually the "Schedule" stuff was initially implemented by Robert
Schneider, so it wasn't my idea to begin with.

I always wanted to implement a grid based EPG display (much like the
calendar plugin does) but so far just didn't find the time.
And since there _is_ a way to display the EPG information, pressure
isn't too high for me to do something in that area. Maybe later...


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