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[vdr] replaying ntsc .vob mpeg2 files

hi list!

i just downloaded dolby digital trailers which are ntsc.
i built an index file with genindex.c (posted on the list
sometime ago).
now i was able to replay the files with vdr. (put the file
in a subdirectory (named 2001-01...blabla) and renamed it
to 001.vdr).
now i can easily replay it with vdr. of course the picture
is to large for the screen (in height) but it works.
my problem: i get no sound. 
my question: the soundtrack is dolby digital. by now i don.t
own a seperat sound card to enjoy dd sound. i know that i
can.t get 5.1 sound but NO SOUND ? is this ok?
or did genindex possibly "destroy" the sound track?
sound should be sound. pal or ntsc - right?

any hint welcome. :)

servus hannes!

Johannes Schoeller

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