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[vdr] real 16:9 aspect ratio recordings possible only in newer versions?


I used vdr 0.71 a long time in the past and never had a recording in
16:9 format (I mean a recording that has to be resized vertically with a
factor 0,75 to have the correct aspect ratio). All recorded movies were
4:3 recordings with black bars at the top and the bottom.
I used DVD2AVI to process the MPEG files after converting with PVAS.

Now I use VDR 0.99, and have some recordings on Bayern-3 and 3sat that
have "real" 16:9 aspect ratio.

How can that be?

I mean: I assume that some channels broadcasted 16:9 in some cases in
the past, too. Is the MPEG2 stream organized in such a way that the DVB
card with the old drivers was able to receive a 16:9 recording and store
it as a 4:3 recording in the file?

Bye, Uwe.

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