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[vdr] Re: Performance needs for timeshift with budget card

Am Don, 2002-07-25 um 19.59 schrieb Wolfgang Miller-Reichling:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 02:25:57PM +0200, Dariush Forouher wrote:
> > On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 06:29, Wolfgang Miller-Reichling wrote:
> > > On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 at 19:18:20, Dariush Forouher wrote:
> > > > I'm using vdr currently on a AMD K5-166, 64MB RAM, 40GB HD and the
> > > > mainbard support max. UDMA-2. With this hardware, timeshift is not
> > > > possible. If I play or record on both cards at the same time, the
> > > > recording get too many errors (unviewable).
> > > What cards do you use? I guess you have least one budget card. One
> > > shouldn't have problems using two full featured cards, right?
> > > Wolfgang
> > One Hauppauge nova-s and one siemens dvb-s 1.3.
> > 
> > I don't know if the card type makes any differences in performance. vdr
> > needs in idle running about 30-40% cpu usage, I think that old cpu
> > together with the small memory causes this problem. This setup works
> > fine on a new 2Ghz Aldi PC.
> I'm pretty sure someone said there _is_ a difference between a full
> featured and a budget card as secondary. Something about the CPU having
> to demux the stream instead of letting the card to it? CAn someone
> confirm that? I'm going to try it on P200, we'll se if it works (or
> not).

With a full-featured DVB-X you directly demand a AV_PES-/PES- or
PS-stream from the card, which is done by firmware/ARM. That stream can
directly be sent to the other card.

A low budget delivers a TS and you have to handle the format by driver
or userland-software (VDR extracts the PES-packets from TS in remux.c).

But as I want to build a IBM/Cyrix 233 MHz VDR for my parents, I'm
interested in your results. Please post if a 586/200 MHz has enough
power ...


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