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[vdr] lirc + via M10000 (with

Uberto Barbini wrote:


Yes, and according lirc istruction you have to symlink the serial
(/dev/ttyS0) or create a char device (mknod /dev/lirc c 61 0) based on
which sensor do you have.
I think I have to symlink, anyway I also tried mknod but it crashed
the kernel...


I did yesterday manage to get lirc serial working with Mandrake 9.1 and
2.4.21 kernel and basic lirc-0.6.6 (not with that one coming with
Mandrake) this way:

1. Install lirc normally and make install, too

2. setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none

3. remove /dev/lirc and mkdir /dev/lirc

4. mknod /dev/lirc/serial -c 61 0

5. modrobe lirc_serial -d /dev/lirc/serial

6. lircd -d /dev/lirc/serial 

7. change in VDR vdr.c line 

          new cLircRemote("/dev/lircd");


          new cLircRemote("/tmp/.lircd");

8. compile VDR with REMOTE=LIRC

9. my /etc/sysconfig/lirc includes:


     # The hardware driver to use, run lircd --driver=? for a list


# Hardware driver module to load

# The device node that communicates with the IR device.

# with devfs enabled

# without devfs 

# Serial port for the receiver (for serial driver)
# COM1 (/dev/ttyS0)
DRIVER_OPTS="irq=4 io=0x3f8"

Follow after every instruction your log (tail -f /var/log/messages) if
you have configured lirc to use it.
I hope, this helps 


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