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[vdr] Re: DVB-C: No picture, no sound: SOLVED

Am Fre, 2003-08-15 um 15.51 schrieb Georg Vollmers:
> { linux-dvb.2003-08-01 | linuxtv-dvb-1.0.0 } && vdr 1.2.2 && Siemens DVB-C
> I'm using alsa, which gave never a problem before for using vdr. 
> But this can't be the reason for my problme 'no picture and no sound'.
> I think, the problem is the driver, 'cause other vdr functionality like 
> playback and cutting work fine.

And indeed: the problem was MY handling of the driver but NOT with the
After correcting /etc/modules.conf were still resides an old entrance of
the times of my analog tv card, where alias char-major-81 belongs to
bttv and not to videodev, everything seems to work fine.

Now I'm struggling with vdr2dvd which won't work because of strange
errors with ds.jar 
So I have to put my recordings still on SVCD instead of DVD :-(
But that's another topic...

vdr is now working very well, many thanks to Klaus Schmidinger and a lot
of other people!
Georg Vollmers, Eulerstr. 23A, 30163[Definition des Denkens] Me-ti sagte: Denken
ist etwas, was auf Schwierigkeiten folgt und dem Handeln vorausgeht.
B. Brecht: Me-ti/Buch der Wendungen

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