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[vdr] Wish-list for future vdr themes (WAS: Re: VDR bug or badly written code?)

* Klaus Schmidinger <> [030825 19:32]:

Klaus, is there any other way to remove the menu entry for the plugin
and still make it work when called from a keymacro instead of the
default action? I.e., it seems that with a NULL string returned from
cPluginNAME.MainMenuEntry, no entry is displayed, but vdr acts as if it
didn't know the name of the plugin either, in the sense that a
"Blue @pilot" does not do what it should but calls Schedule.

When I implemented this stuff I was under the impression that a plugin
that offers a function would advertise that in the main menu ;-)
I can understand your reasoning...

I'll have a look into this, but that can take a while. Other things
are more important now...
Sure it is not a high priority issue.

Anyway, when you happen to look at it, given the advent of so many
plugins, and since there's only direct access to the first 10 items in
the menu (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 & 0 keys on the remote control), this could
be merged in the future theme-able VDR's code, so that among all the
things you might have in mind to make configurable via themes, one of
them could be the order and appearance (or lack of) of menu items.

Javier Marcet <>

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