Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-4000
A hybrid DVB-S2 PCI card from Hauppauge.
It is currently not supported under Linux. However, experimental support for some of the device's features is available (see below for details).
Discuss the features and facets of the device here ... this means you
Components Used
list the hardware ICs and modules used by the device here ... this means you
provide the relevant output of lspci -vvn here ... this means you
Making it Work
One could use the script provided at http://dev.kewl.org/hauppauge/utils/wget-fw.sh to fetch the firmware for us.
Basically what it does is : 1) fetch an archive : "wget" 2) decompress what's needed : "unzip -jo 88x_2_119_25023_WHQL.zip Driver88/hcw88bda.sys" 3) put the firmware at the right place : "dd if=hcw88bda.sys of=/lib/firwmare/dvb-fe-cx24116.fw skip=81768 bs=1 count=32522"
There are currently no in kernel drivers for this card.
If someone wants to provide a brief synopsis of the driver tail of woe, outlining why there isn't a greater level of support, then do so here ... this means you
However, experimental support does exist.
provide the details of where the drivers and patches and necessary tools are available ... this means you ... you can use the following older content from the article as a basis for your write up:
For DVB-S there is an experimental drivers repository from Steven Toth (see http://www.linuxtv.org/hg/~stoth/hvr4000-dvbs). Analog video and remote control works also with this driver (*).
Currently, no support for simultaneous operation of both DVB-T and DVB-S is implemented. Default operation mode prefers DVB-S.
Guess Note : Using HVR3000 as example the DVB-T and DVB-S use the same demux on the card, so only one will ever be available. The above I expect to be the same for the HVR4000, ie not a linuxtv issue. It is suggested to create symbolic links to access the frontends for some apps (see HVR3000 in this wiki), but you need to ensure your application does not attempt to access both DVB-T and DVB-S at the same time.
(*) Work in progress patches to enable features of this card have been merged into the hvr4000-dvbs repository, yet an updated patchset is available for v4l-dvb hg here: http://dev.kewl.org/hvr4000/
This patchset also adds two hacks which will allow DVB-S2 reception (command line) for experimental purposes, also it allows the selection of which DVB frontend to load, DVB-T or DVB-S/S2.
For DVB-T a special option for the module cx88xx is needed: card=56
The card is automatically detected as card 57. Therefore, using OpenSuSE (and probably also other distros) add the line
options cx88xx card=56
in /etc/modprobe.conf.local (or /etc/conf.modules or similar).
For Ubuntu make a file /etc/modprobe.d/cx88xx.modprobe with the following contents:
options cx88xx card=53
(Yes, on my system I need to use "card=53" - not "card=56" - to get DVB-T to work)
Sample kernel output
provide the relevant portion of dmesg here
Remote Control Support
discuss support for the remote control here