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[linux-dvb] Re: Using dvb-kernel and bttv 0.9.x in parallel on2.4 (Re: Re: overlay-problem -> pci-latency)

Hello Guido,

On 02/22/04 19:58, Guido Fiala wrote:
I upgraded to 2.6 in meantime, got dvb-1.1.0 working but also i got already some oopses in saa7146, can send you the trace if that brings something.
I did not have the time to prepare patches that bring 2.6 to the latest dvb-kernel CVS. It think it's a bug I already fixed.

If you want a 2.6 kernel with dvb-kernel CVS sources, you can use the "makelinks" script to replace the in-kernel driver with the ones from CVS. README-2.6 has an explanation.

Nevertheless, I'll send you a patch when the next patchset is ready.

Over all stability seems not so good as before :-(
I really don't like to hear that... ;-) I'm going to install kvdr on my 2.6 machine, so I can see what's going wrong.

BTW - i wonder why i now need to load dvb-core, dvb-ttpci, saa7146, saa7146_vv and ves1x93, with dvb-1.0.1 i had only loaded dvb-core, dvb-ttpci and alps_bsrv2 - do i load the wrong modules?
No. dvb-ttpci in 2.4 was one monolithic block for saa7146, full-featured and budget dvb cards. Now, saa7146 does the basic saa7146 handling, saa7146_vv does the video handling for full-featured cards, dvb-ttpci is the dvb backend to saa7146. alps_bsrv2 has been replaced by the more generic ves1x93 driver. Everything is fine. 8-)

I just noticed that with latest patches from Gerd Knorr and dvb-kernel,
kernel oops happen. I commited a fix to CVS and tried to build a new
kernel with bttv and dvb-kernel.

Does that mean i should download the cvs-version of dvb again?
For bleeding edge CVS development with 2.6, use the "makelinks" scripts as I already said above.

Many thanks for your help so far!
Thanks for testing!


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