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[vdr] Re: blue screen with xvxine


Hazem Hamed wrote:

I just had a look at ChainTech's homepage. By reading the specs, it's not clear, whether the card provides a MPEG decoder or not.
I think I'm sure now, it has no MPEG decoder

Most likely, you'll have the line:

setting primary device to 1

In that case, edit setup.conf to select a different primary device:

PrimaryDVB = 2
I already have this line in setup.conf

Should I give up now ?
Well, it depends on you. Currently, I'd say no.

You didn't write anything about your entries in /var/log/messages, so I assume, they are identical to mine.

I further assume, you are using vdr-xine-0.3.4. Is there a warning about 'noSignal.pes'?

What do you see in xine, after it connects to VDR?

Usually, there should be the gray letters 'NO SIGNAL' on a black background. If you don't see it, make shure, that 'noSignal.pes' is at the right location.

'noSignal.pes' is absolutely needed, to have xine show an OSD when VDR is not sending a MPEG stream on its own, e. g. when it is in remote key learning mode, or when the DVB device is not configured so far.

If this doesn't help you, then please have a look into input_vdr.c. Uncomment the define LOG to make it active and switch to the other define LOG_OSD, i. e. disable the current one and enable the one next to it. Now, xine should print every command it receives from VDR. Check for messages like "got OSD...".

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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